Remontant infra-short-day strawberry grown in tunnels planted September produces fruits from November (two months before short-day cultivars) to the following summer. Origin: Fertiseeds Ltd., Nez Ziona, Israel, by S. Izhar. Tamar (selfed) × Bella (selfed); crossed 2000. USPP 17,388; 30 Jan. 2007. Tree: very high yield; inflorescence level with foliage; runners well; no vernalization requirement; floral bud primordia initiated under regimes of 13–14 h days at 22 to 26°C. Fruit: uniform red; uniformly cordiform; flesh uneven orange-red, glossy, firm, somewhat hollow, very sweet, medium acidity; calyx small, strongly adhering, below fruit level; achenes light brown to deep yellow, level with surface, narrow band without.