Dayneutral strawberry adapted to coastal central California. Origin: Sweet Darling Sales, Inc., Aptos, CA, by J. Larse. 1007 × 880; selected in Watsonville, CA; tested as 105218; USPP 23,936, 1 Oct. 2013. Tree: moderate vigor, few, 2 daughter plants; very low yield, 87.5 g/plant; globose, upright, sparse foliage; flowers at canopy, prostrate fruiting trusses. Fruit: red (RHS 45A); large, 25.6 g; variable, conic, long-conic, long-wedge; firm, orange-red (RHS 41B) and white (RHS 155C) flesh, balanced flavor; small, spreading to reflexed surface calyx; inset achenes; early season.