Compact small shrub, usually wider than high; stems tomentose with spreading or retrorse hairs, later glabrous. Leaves almost sessile, linear, linear-lanceolate or triangular, 2–5.5 mm long; upper surface glabrous or pilose with curved or spreading hairs; underside pubescent; margins recurved; midrib usually exposed, more prominent near base. Flowers in loose dichasia; bracts and bracteoles similar to leaves or with short petioles. Calyx 6–7.5 mm long, usually 5-ribbed; ribs sparsely pilose or glabrous; grooves puberulous. Petals 5, 7–11 mm long, pink. Stamens usually 6. Style 3-branched; stigmas linear to clavate; ovules 3, occasionally up to 5; funicles reflexed; placentation basal. Seeds smooth.