Small shrub; stems procumbent or ascending; hairs short, spreading. Leaves petiolate,lanceolate, oblong, ovate or obovate, often curved, 1.7–5.5 mm long; upper surfacedensely puberulous; underside white-pilose; margins gently recurved to revolute;midrib exposed; petiole ciliate. Flowers in short dichasia; bracts and bracteoles similarin shape to leaves but sometimes smaller. Calyx cylindrical, 5–7 mm long, 4– or5–ribbed; ribs densely puberulous; grooves papillose. Petals 5 (occasionally 6), 7–1 long, up to 3 mm wide. Stamens usually 6. Style 3–branched; stigmas linear;ovules 3, basal, on long recurved funicles.
Small shrub, much-branched; stems erect or ascendent, with long, spreading hairs; internodes to 35 mm long. Leaves petiolate, ovate, oblong or elliptic, 2.5–9 mm long,pubescent; margins recurved; midrib and some of underside exposed. Flowers in much-branched dichasia; bracts and bracteoles similar to leaves but often smaller and more hairy. Calyx cylindrical, 5–9 mm long; ribs setulose-pilose; grooves puberulous. Petals 5, 7–12 mm long, pink. Stamens 6–7. Style 3–branched; stigmas usually capitate-clavate; ovules 3, basal; funicles long, reflexed. Seeds smooth or rugulose.