Leaf blades 2–17.5 × 1–7 cm, elliptic to oblanceolate, obtuse to ± acute at the apex, rounded to very narrowly attenuated at the base, rather coriaceous, scabrid to almost glabrous, the venation prominent and reticulate on both surfaces when dry; petioles 1–9 mm long; stipules 4–7 mm long, ovate, scabrid or pubescent.
Corolla at first creamy-white but turning yellow after a day; tube (3) 4–10.5 cm long, glabrous to finely pubescent outside; lobes 6–8, 2.5–4 cm long, obovate-elliptic, with the venation usually drying more darkly reticulate than is the case in the woodier allied species.
Calyx tube 7–10 mm long; limb-tube 8–14(22) mm long, sometimes slightly split on one side, glabrous to slightly pubescent, subtruncate or with 6–9 distinct linear, linear-oblong or linear-triangular lobes 1.5–8 mm long, decurrent on the tube.
Geophytic subshrub with erect stout woody stems buried in the ground, or rhizomatous and prostrate but flowers usually appearing just above ground, not exceeding 30 cm in height; young stems hairy but soon glabrous.
Fruit brown, 5–6.5 cm long and 3.5–5 cm in diameter, obovoid or ellipsoid to globose, rather ridged when dry but not conspicuously lobed.
Seeds about 4–5 mm wide, discoid.
Leaves in whorls of 3.