Shrubs, small trees or occasionally small pyrophytic subshrubs, unarmed or lateral branches becoming stoutly spinescent; young parts often glutinous; branches sometimes in whorls of 3. Leaves opposite or verticillate, petiolate, thin to distinctly coriaceous, with or without domatia; stipules sheathing, often truncate; buds containing wax-secreting glands. Flowers sessile or shortly pedicellate, hermaphrodite solitary or in few-flowered fascicles, terminal or pseudo-axillary, usually white, mostly large and elegant, strongly perfumed. Calyx-tube variously shaped with the tubular part of the limb usually well-developed, truncate or with marginal or submarginal often decurrent lobes; limb sometimes unilaterally split. Corolla-tube funnel-shaped or cylindrical and then usually long and narrow; lobes 5–12, contorted, overlapping to the left in bud, obtuse or rounded at the apex. Anthers included or apices just exserted; pollen grains in tetrads. Ovary 1-locular, with 2–9 parietal placentas; style elongate, clavate at the apex, glabrous or pubescent; stigma exserted, bilobed or not, usually many-lamellate, fruit globose or ellipsoid, with a usually thick fibrous or woody wall. Seeds mostly very numerous, compressed, elliptic in outline, ± 3–10 mm. long, with thin smooth or slightly reticulate testa, stuck together into a solid mass with a pulp.
Shrubs, small trees or occasionally small pyrophytic subshrubs (low, spreading suffrutices with woody underground stems), unarmed but lateral branches can appear stoutly spinescent; young parts often glutinous; branches sometimes in whorls of 3.
Ovary 1-locular at least in the basal part, or 2-locular in G. brachythamnus with 2–9 parietal placentas; style elongate, glabrous or pubescent; pollen presenter clavate, bilobed or not, usually many-lamellate, ± exserted.
Seeds mostly very numerous (or 4 per locule in G. brachythamnus), compressed, elliptic in outline, about 3–10 mm long, with thin smooth or slightly reticulate testa, stuck together into a solid mass.
Leaves opposite or verticillate, petiolate, chartaceous to distinctly coriaceous, with or without domatia; stipules sheathing, often truncate; buds containing glands secreting sticky exudate.
Flowers sessile or shortly pedicellate, hermaphrodite, solitary or in few-flowered fascicles, terminal or pseudoaxillary, usually white, mostly large and elegant, strongly perfumed.
Calyx tube variously shaped with the limb-tube usually well developed, truncate or with marginal or submarginal often decurrent lobes; limb sometimes unilaterally split.
Corolla tube funnel-shaped or cylindrical and then usually long and narrow; lobes 5–12, contorted, overlapping to the left in bud, obtuse or rounded at the apex.
Fruit globose or ellipsoid with a usually thick fibrous or woody wall.
Anthers included, apices just exserted or up to ½ exserted.
Pollen grains in tetrads.