Terrestrial or rarely epiphytic shrubs; stems to 2 m tall, when young succu-lent, lanate tomentose, woody and glabrescent with age. Leaves nearly equal in a pair, more or less elliptic, 8-20 cm long, 3-9 cm wide, membranous, the apex acuminate, the base acute, serrulate, above dark green, glabrous, below lighter green, tomentose on the veins, the secondary veins prominent; petioles 1-3 cm long, pubescent. Inflorescences in the upper leaf axils, cymose, few flowered; peduncles slender, arching upward, 4-7 cm long; pedicels 0.5-1.0 cm long. Flowers with the calyx nearly regular, the lobes distinct, deltoid, elongate, 6-9 mm long, longer in the fruit, the margins toothed, green, sparsely pilose; corolla yellow, red or purple spotted on the inside of the tube, slightly oblique in the calyx, the tube straight sided, basally saccate, 1.4-2.0 cm long, the outside pilose, the limb regular, terminal, ca. 1 cm wide, the lobes 2-3 mm long; stamens 4, staminode lacking, the anthers connate, ca. 1 mm wide; disc thickened pos-teriorly; ovary pubescent, the style ca. 6 mm long, pubescent, the stigma bibbed. Capsule globose, 6-7 mm long and wide, surrounded by the persistent calyx, yellow; seeds ellipsoid, tawny.