Stems ca. 5 cm, ca. 4 mm in diam. Leaves 3-6, nearly basal; blade green, tinged with purplish red, oblong, 3-5 × 0.7-1.2 cm, obtuse and unequally bilobed. Inflorescence racemose, to 9-flowered; peduncle pale yellowish green, usually 1.5-2 cm, upper part enlarged; rachis ca. 5 mm; floral bracts ovate-triangular, obtuse; pedicel and ovary yellowish green with purple spots, ca. 8 mm. Flowers widely opening; sepals and petals yellowish green, sometimes with purplish red spots; lip whitish, ± with purple-blackish spots on hypochile and greenish cushion on epichile. Dorsal sepal oblong, concave, ca. 3 × 1.5 mm, apex obtuse; lateral sepals slightly oblique, oblong, ca. 3 × 1 mm, apex obtuse. Petals ovate-elliptic, ca. 3 × 2 mm, apex obtuse; lip with an epichile and a hypochile; epichile triangular-ovate, ca. 3 × 3 mm, adaxially densely hirsute and with a central cushion, slightly reflexed, rounded at apex; hypochile subconic, ca. 4 mm tall, ca. 1.8 mm in diam., slightly narrowed at middle, strongly dorsiventrally compressed from middle to tip, subtruncate and concave at tip. Column pale yellow, tinged with purplish blue, short; anther cap yellow. Fl. Mar.