Herbs, epiphytic, small to medium-sized, monopodial. Stems rather short or elongate, ascending or pendulous, enclosed in basal sheaths of leaves. Leaves many, usually distichous, narrowly elliptic or strap-shaped, slightly fleshy or leathery, flat, jointed and amplexicaul-sheathing at base, sometimes twisted at base and ± lying in one plane, apex unequally bilobed, acute or rarely with 3 setae. Inflorescence lateral, rather short, racemose or subumbellate, few to many flowered. Flowers small to medium-sized, ± fleshy. Sepals and petals free, similar, spreading. Lip firmly attached to base of column, with a subglobose-saccate or conic hypochile with lateral lobes reduced to often fleshy edges of sac; epichile fan-shaped, often broadly triangular, often hairy or papillose, margin entire to fimbriate. Column short and thick, footless; rostellum short, 2-lobed; anther subglobose, apex narrowed; pollinia waxy, 2, subglobose, porate or rarely cleft, attached by a common narrow stipe to a bilobed viscidium.