Perennials 1-2 cm tall. Stems short, with crowded leaves and few flowering branches crowded into a tuft. Petiole 5-12 mm, slender; leaf blade ovate, 8-10 × 5-8 mm, base obtuse to subtruncate, margin slightly revolute, apex acute, midvein distinct. Leaves of flowering branches 2-3 mm, bractlike. Inflorescences subapical, axillary, 1 or 2flowered. Flowers sessile, 4merous. Calyx campanulate, 6-7 mm; lobes linear, 1.5-2 mm, equal. Corolla blue, subcylindric, 1.7-2 cm; lobes ovate, 2.5-3 mm, margin entire, apex obtuse; plicae oblique, truncate, margin entire. Stamens inserted at middle of corolla tube; filaments 1.1-1.3 cm, unequal; anthers ellipsoid, 1-1.5 mm. Ovary ellipsoid to obovoid-ellipsoid, 6-7 mm; gynophore 4-5 mm. Style 2.5-3 mm; stigma lobes linear. Fl. Apr.