Perennials 3-5 cm tall. Stolons to 5 cm, simple or few branched. Stems erect, simple. Basal leaves withered, persistent. Stem leaves overlapping, crowded; petiole 3-6 mm; leaf blade obovate to truncate-flabelliform, 4-10 × 5.5-12 mm, base narrowed, margin broadly membranous and minutely lacerate, apex rounded to truncate and emarginate, midvein crested and minutely lacerate. Flowers solitary. Calyx broadly tubular; tube 0.8-1.3 cm, membranous; lobes broadly truncate-flabelliform, 4.5-5.5 mm, herbaceous, margin broad, membranous, and lacerulate, apex truncate and emarginate, midvein crested and lacerulate. Corolla blue-purple, tubular, 2.5-3.5 cm; lobes broadly ovate, 4.5-5.5 mm, margin erose, apex rounded and cuspidate; plicae ovate, 3-4 mm, margin erose. Stamens inserted at basal part of corolla tube; filaments ca. 1 cm; anthers ellipsoid, 2-3 mm. Style filiform, 1-1.2 cm; stigma lobes oblong. Fl. Sep.