Trunks or canes cespitose, 4-5 m. tall and 25 mm. thick, remotely annulate with rings 10-20 cm. apart: leaves about 2 m. long, dark green and shining, blade elongate-obovate, cuneate at base and deeply bifid at apex with very long-acuminate or thin caudate lobes sometimes irregularly pinnatisect with a few narrow lateral lobes close together, stiff or rigid in texture, with 50-60 strong lengthwise nerves either side and no definite midrib to the 2 broad terminal lobes:spadices short, issuing from ribbed cymbas 10-20 cm. long, that are short-acute or almost obtuse at the apex, peduncle 6-9 cm. long, branches 7-11, at first hanging but soon wide-spreading and sprawling, each branch about 10 cm. long and 6 mm. thick with the pointed divergent bracts conspicuous: fruit broad-ellipsoid, about 15 mm. long and 12 mm. thick, gray, surface drying rough; cupule small, the narrow acute parts nearly separte.