Diffuse perennial herb, stems stoloniferous, rooting at some of the nodes, thinly pilose with spreading eglandular hairs. Stipules ovate, acute to acuminate. Leaves with petioles ±10-150 mm long, pilose with spreading eglandular hairs, towards the tips underlain by shorter retrorse hairs; blade up to ±50 mm in diam., divided at least J of the way to the base into 5 lobes, lobes elliptic in outline, further lobed and toothed, thinly pilose on both surfaces. Peduncles in the axils of the leaves, ±30-70 mm long, usually 2-flowered, sometimes compounded, thinly pilose with long spreading eglandular hairs underlain by shorter retrorse ones. Pedicels ±10-30 mm long, pilose with retrorse hairs. Sepals ±6 x 2.5 mm, pilose with spreading hairs. Petals 5 x 2.5 mm in the local specimen, ±10 x 5-7 mm fide Laundon (op. cit.), obovate, entire or very shallowly notched, white or pink. Rostrum pubescent.
Diffuse, perennial herb; stems stoloniferous, rooting at nodes; scarcely pilose with eglandular hairs. Leaves with lamina up to 50 mm in diam., 5-lobed, divided to 3/4 of length; lobes elliptic, further lobed and toothed; scarcely pilose on both surfaces; petioles 10-150 mm long, indumentum as for stems but underlain by shorter, retrorse hairs. Inflorescences axillary, 2-flowered; peduncles 30-70 mm long; pedicels 10-30 mm long; indumentum as for stems. Sepals 6 x 10 mm, pilose with spreading hairs. Petals obovate, 5 x 2.5 mm, entire or very shallowly notched, white or pink. Flowering time Jan.?.
Leaf-lamina 5-lobed, divided to 3/4 or more; lobes 3–10 mm. across at base, broadly elliptic to rhombic in outline, pinnatifid to pinnatilobed, stiffly pubescent or pilose on both the upper and lower surfaces; petiole 1–16 cm. long, pilose; stipules 5–12 × 3–5 mm., entire, ovate-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, membranous, pilose or pubescent.
Flowers in 2-flowered inflorescences, or, rarely, 1-flowered by reduction; peduncle 3–10 cm. long, furrowed or terete, pubescent or pilose; pedicels 1–4 cm. long, furrowed or terete, pubescent or pilose; bracts 3–5 mm., lanceolate, hyaline at the edge.
Petals about 10 × 5–7 mm., obovate, refuse at the apex, white or pink (rarely pale purple) with conspicuous red veins.
Perennial herb; stems stoloniferous, creeping and scrambling, longitudinally furrowed, pilose or hispid.
Sepals 7–10 × 2–3 mm., broadly lanceolate, cuspidate or mucronate, 3-nerved, pilose and pubescent.
Cocci smooth, pilose; mature rostrum 12–20 × 2 mm., pubescent; stigmas 1–2 mm. long.
Seeds glabrous; testa covered with a very shallow reticulate pattern.
Stamens 10, filaments about 3 mm. long, narrowly lanceolate.
Ovary pubescent; stigmas 5.