Subshrub, 0.3-1.5 m high; upper parts thinly pilose, hairs spreading. Leaves crowded at branch tips; lamina 20-150 mm in diam., nearly orbicular, digitately 5-7-lobed to 3/4 of base; each lobe ± obtuse; upper surface with shaggy, white, spreading hairs, lower surface with closely matted white hairs within veins and long spreading hairs covering veins; petioles up to 300 mm long. Inflorescences terminal and opposite upper leaves; forming large, 2-flowered, compound cymes; pedicels 15-55 mm long; pilose, many hairs gland-tipped. Petals obovate, 14-20 x 10-13 mm, shallowly notched, pale, purple-blue or light magenta-violet. Flowering time Nov.-Apr.
Dwarf shrub, 0.3-1.5 m high. Stems erect or decumbent, upper parts thinly pilose. Leaves with median primary lobe of blade cut nearly to base of leaf; blade closely matted with white hairs within veins, long coarse hairs on veins; petioles 30-300 mm long. Flowers: inflorescence mostly 2-flowered, peduncles terminal and opposite in upper leaf axils; pedicels 15-55 mm long, hairy; petals obovate, 14-20 x 10-13 mm, shallowly notched, pale, purple-blue or light magenta-violet; Nov.-Apr.