Clumped perennial herb, stems decumbent or suberect, herbaceous, sparingly branched, thinly pubescent, hairs retrorse, strongly appressed, a few spreading gland-tipped hairs as well, increasing in frequency upwards. Stipules deeply dissected, segments lanceolate-acuminate. Radical leaves densely tufted, the stipulate bases of the petioles forming congested oblong masses, petioles much longer than the blades, with sparse retrorse appressed hairs, appressed hairs, blade up to 35 mm in diam., digitately cut almost to the base into 3-5 lobes, each lobe rhomboid in outline, deeply pinnatifid, 2-3 segments each side, segments oblong-lanceolate, margins often with 1 or 2 coarse teeth, scarcely revolute, sparse fine appressed hairs above, densely appressed hairy below; cauline leaves similar but petioles progressively shorter upwards, uppermost sometimes with a few spreading gland-tipped hairs. Peduncles opposite the uppermost leaves and much exceeding them, with sparse fine retrorse ± appressed hairs as well as spreading gland-tipped ones, mostly 2-flowered. Pedicels up to 60 mm long, hairy like the peduncles. Sepals 7-8 x 3-3.5 mm, excluding mucro, with short fine appressed hairs as well as long spreading gland-tipped ones. Petals 13-18 x 10-12 mm, obovate, shallowly notched, blue-purple. Rostrum with short fine appressed hairs as well as long spreading gland-tipped ones.