Leaves finely 5-7-subcompound, 3-8 by 6-16 mm, 'leaflets' pseudo-stalked, repeatedly 2-3-partite with ± linear-lanceolate overlapping lobes, not in one plane, middle 'leaflet' 0.2-0.3 mm wide at base, apex acute, indistinctly mucro nutate, nerves invisible, appressed strigose all over. Inflorescences 1-flowered. Peduncle in fruit 7-15 mm long, pedicel then 6-13 mm. Petals white to pinkish, c. 5.5 mm long, c. 1.4 times as long as the 3.2-4 mm long sepals. Sepals in fruit 5-6 mm long.
In the shade of higher plants, e.g. Styphelia suaveolens, also in open sandy flats with Danthonia oreobo/oides, in sub-alpine grasslands; alt. 3250-3500 m.