Robust subshrub, 0.3-1.2 m high; stems one or several from base. Leaves all cauline; lamina up to 120 mm in diam., digitately 5-7-lobed nearly to base, each lobe elliptic in outline, sharply and irregularly lobed and toothed, apex acute, mucronate, upper surface with hairs, lower surface thickly, silvery, silky-tomentose; petiolate. Inflorescences opposite uppermost leaves, mostly of large 2-flowered cymes; pedicels up to 60 mm long; indumentum of retrorse white hairs and gland-tipped, spreading ones. Sepals 7-9 x 3-5 mm, indumentum as for stems. Petals 17-22 x 11-19 mm, obovate, shallowly notched, light purple or deep pink with lighter or white centre. Flowering time Dec.-Mar.