Small to large evergreen trees, without tendrils (or rarely— G. gossweileri — a climbing shrub with simple tendrils). Leaves simple, ± acuminate and not at all bilobed at apex. Flowers large to very large, hermaphrodite, in short terminal or axillary racemes sometimes (G. gossweileri) aggregated into panicles. Hypanthium elongate, narrowly cylindric, comprising most of the apparent “ pedicel ”. Sepals 5, elongate, rather narrow, free or sometimes irregularly joined above. Petals 5. Stamens 10, usually all fertile; filaments glabrous or pubescent below. Ovary long-stipitate; style elongate; stigma small (fide De Wit). Pods large (small in G. gossweileri), irregularly elliptic-oblong, up to ± 10-seeded, ± woody, dehiscent or indehiscent. Seeds large, with a narrowly U-shaped line extending round most of their circumference; endosperm absent.