Tree 6–20 m. high.. Bark whitish-or pinkish-grey.. Branchlets rusty-puberulous, soon glabrescent.. Leaves papery, broadly ovate to suborbicular-ovate or ± obovate, 8–17 cm. long, 6–15.5 cm. wide, ± cordate or subcordate at base, subglabrous.. Racemes erect (Gardner 1), short, terminal, 4–10 cm. long (fide Harms).. Hypanthium 8–13 cm. long, rusty-pubescent outside.. Sepals ± 5–8 cm. long.. Petals “ magnolia-like, pure white except for yellow splash within on one petal ” (Eggeling 6408) or “ white flushed creamy-pink ” (Greenway 4915), obovate-elliptic, 9–13 cm. long, 4–6 cm. wide.. Stamens all fertile; filaments slightly pubescent.. Pods up to ± 6-seeded, flattened, indehiscent, breaking irregularly, ± 30 cm. long and 6–6.8 cm. wide.. Seeds suborbicular-compressed, ± 1.8–3 cm. in diameter, 1–1.6 cm. thick, dull purplish-brown.. Fig. 45.