Shrub or small tree up to 5 m. Branchlets terete. Leaves firmly chartaceous, elliptic-or ovate-oblong, 14-17 by 5.5-6.5 cm; base acute to cuneate; apex acute and short-acuminate; margins slightly recurved, obscurely and sometimes distinctly crenulate; nerves 5-6 pairs; petiole 6-8 mm. Cymes axillary or extra-axillary, few-flowered, sometimes depauperate. Peduncles 0.5-4½ cm. Pedicels c. 1.5 mm (c. 4.5 mm in fruit). Flowers (young): calyx lobes reniform or trans-verse-oblong, 1 by 2-2.75 mm, slightly erose, with several obscure longitudinal veins. Petals subreniform, 2 by 3 mm. Stamens small, c. 0.75 mm long, inserted near the base of the ovary. Disk 4-lobed, c. 2 mm ø. Pistil emerging c. 0.5 mm from the disk, conical. Fruits white, pink, or red, subglobose, c. 8 mm ø, usually 1-seeded. Seeds red, reddish brown when dry, subglobose, c. 7 mm ø.