Tree (3-)5-15 m, up to 30 cm ø; bark smooth, yellowish-brown. Branchlets flexuous, tips rusty-tomentellous. Leaves oblong to ovate-or elliptic-, rarely subobovate-oblong, apex shortly rather abruptly and sometimes obliquely acuminate, tip blunt, base broadly attenuate, slightly inequilateral, very base ± abruptly narrowed to the petiole, membranous to chartaceous, dark brown above, much paler beneath when dry, dull, glabrous above, the midrib and nerves excepted, undersurface all over set with scattered short ± ap-pressed soft fine hairs, more densely so at midrib and nerves, (7.5-)9-16(-24) by 5-8(-10) cm, nerves in 5-7 generally strictly, or rarely more curvedly ascending pairs, slightly raised beneath, cross veins faintly prominent beneath; petiole puberulent, 1-1.5 cm by c. 1.5 mm. ♂ Inflorescences composed of several divaricate few-flowered cymes, together on top of slender peduncle (0.5-1.5 cm), all over rusty-puberulent, the petals excepted. Calyx cup-shaped, hardly dented, ciliate, 1 mm. Petals (4-)5, connate to a tube for their lower ⅔, glabrous except some hairs on top in bud stage, yellowish-white, (4-)5 mm. Stamens 5, exserted; filaments with numerous club-shaped hairs ven-trally below the anther cells and penicillate dorsally at connective. Rudiment of ovary with erect hairs on top. ♀ Inflorescences more lax-flowered. Calyx and petals as in ♂ flowers. Staminodes (4-)5, penicillate. Ovary ferrugineous-tomentellous. Drupe subovoid-oblongoid, either equally attenuate on both ends, or generally slightly beaked distally, still laxly pubescent for quite a while, (1.3-)1.5-1.7 (rarely-2) by 0.7-0.8 cm; whitish-yellowish, pinkish or salmon-coloured; endocarp with 10-12 shallow longitudinal ribs.