Treelet, 3 m, stem 2-4 cm ø. Branchlets very slender, tips shortly fuscous-hairy. Leaves oblong, apex per 1-2 cm subabruptly and narrowly acuminate (tip often curved and bluntish), base cuneate, chartaceous, lead-coloured greenish, but slightly brownish, dull, glabrous, 8-13 by 2.5-3.5 cm, nerves 8-10 pairs, lowest pair slightly supra-basal and high curved-ascendent, upper pairs from the midrib in a wider angle, more straight and looping, forming an intramarginal nerve with the basal pair, hardly raised beneath; petiole 6-10 by c. 1 mm. ♂ Inflorescences consisting of 1 or 2 few-flowered cymes, together on top of a slender peduncle (1 cm), very shortly pubescent. Calyx cupular, minutely 4-dented, ciliate, 1 mm. Petals connate for their lower ¾ part into a distally widened tube, glabrous, white, 3.5 mm. Stamens 4, shortly exserted; filaments penicillate on upper ventral side. Rudiment of ovary glabrous. ♀ Inflorescences reduced to a few-flowered, almost umbelliform and shortly peduncled cyme. Calyx and petals as in ♂ flowers. Staminodes 4, laxly peni-cillate. Ovary densely shortly rusty-pubescent, the glabrous very base excepted. Drupe fusiform, sub-abruptly rostrate-attenuate at apex, more gradually so at base, very base somewhat cupuliform-inflated and quite smooth, whilst above the endocarp shows several longitudinal low ridges, (2-)2.3-2.5 by 0.6-0.7 cm.