Tree up to 30 m high, trunk up to 45 cm Ø; bark dark grey. Leaves oblong, or sometimes more ovate-lanceolate, apex shortly obtusely attenuate or subacuminate, base ± abruptly narrowed to the grooved petiole, (sub)coriaceous, glabrous at maturity, dark brown when dry, 5-8(-9) by 1.5-3 cm, nerves 3-4(-5) curved-ascendent pairs, slightly raised beneath; petiole 7-10(-12) by c. 1 mm. ♂ Cymes 2 or 3, very shortly peduncled, all condensed into a head-like or subumbellate inflorescence on top of a slender peduncle (5-10 mm). Calyx cup-shaped, minutely 5-dented, hardly 1 mm. Petals 5, becoming free from each other both from top and base at the same time, whitish-greyish, c. 3 mm. Stamens 5, hardly exserted; filaments with numerous short-papillose hairs in the middle of the ventral, glabrous on the dorsal side. Rudiment of ovary laxly hairy. ♀ Cymes similarly arranged, though few-flowered. Calyx and petals as in ♂ flowers. Staminodes with numerous papillose hairs in front. Ovary densely set with whitish short hairs. Drupe ellipsoid-oblongoid, apex (sometimes a little oblique) and base gradually attenuate, 1-1.3 by 0.5-0.7 cm; exocarp thin-fleshy, cream; endocarp with several longitudinal shallow ridges.