Tree, up to 25 m, up to 45 cm ø; bark olive green. Branchlets appressedly puberulous in their younger parts, as are petioles and inflorescences. Leaves lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate or elliptic, rarely oblong-elliptic, apex attenuate-acuminate, tip acutish, base ± broadly narrowed, firmly subcoriaceous, dark olivaceous and a little shining above, paler, more brownish and dull beneath in dry specimens, glabrous above, shortly appressedly hairy all over the undersurface initially, finally glabrescent there, the midrib excepted, finely tubercled underneath, (10-)12-16 by (2.5-)3-4.5(-8) cm, nerves 4-6(-8) spreading to rather steeply ascendent pairs, obscurely inarching before the edge, reticulation obsolete; petiole 1-1.5 cm by c. 1 mm. ♂ Inflorescences with (2-)3 or 4 cymes together on top of slender peduncle (1-2 cm), each cyme expanded and ± recurved, dense flowered, very shortly branched distally, the flowers rather laxly arranged. Calyx widely cup-shaped, subtruncate or shortly 5-dented, laxly hairy, 1-1.5 mm. Petals 5, connate for c. ¾ their length to a subcampanulate tube, white, glabrous, 3 mm. Stamens 5, slightly exserted; filaments densely set with rather short glandular hairs below the anther cells ventrally and dorsally at the connective, the hairs not exceeding the anther cells. Rudiment of ovary glabrous. ♀ Inflorescences with 3-5 cymes on top of a slender peduncle (0.5-1 cm), each cyme reduced to a single flower, the latter pedicelled for 3-5 mm and arranged in a kind of umbel. Calyx and petals as in ♂ flowers. Staminodes 5, short-hairy below the void anther cells. Ovary cylindric, becoming ovoid, glabrous. Infructescences with 2-3(-5) branches (0.5-1 cm) together on top of a peduncle (1-1.5 cm). Drupe subovoid-ellipsoid or ellipsoid, yellowish, (1.6-) 1.8-2(-2.2) by 0.8-1 cm, apex broadly attenuate and slightly curved, rounded, rarely attenuate; endocarp with numerous longitudinal low ribs.