Treelet. Branchlets with minutely pubescent tips. Leaves oblong to elliptic-oblong, rarely lanceolate or oblanceolate-oblong, apex shortly rather abruptly acuminate for 1-2 cm, base broadly cuneate and slightly inequilateral, firmly membranous to subchartaceous, glabrous, greenish-greyish to olivaceous and dull in dry specimens, (10-)15-22(-30) by 4-8 cm, nerves (8-) 10-12(-14) rather straight and spreading pairs, ± parallel to each other and looping before the edge, the lowest pair in part of the leaves (in the same specimen!) ascending in a more acute angle from the midrib, reticulation none; petiole often yellowish as is the midrib beneath in dry specimens, 1-1.3 cm by 1.5 mm. ♂ Inflorescences with 2(-3) few-flowered cymes, these ± umbel-lately arranged on top of a slender peduncle (c. 5 mm), shortly appressedly rusty-pubescent on peduncle and branches. Calyx cup-shaped, base truncate, laxly short-hairy, minutely 5-dented, 1 mm. Petals 5, united to a cup-shaped tube for their lower ⅔, glabrous, c. 3 mm. Stamens 5, slightly exserted; filaments practically glabrous ventrally, but set with penicillate hairs dorsally at connective. Rudiment of ovary glabrous. ♀ Inflorescences with 2 or 3 shortly pedicellate flowers on top of a common peduncle (3-5 mm). Calyx, petals and staminodes not known. Ovary glabrous. Drupe subfusiform-oblongoid, apex broadly attenuate and a little oblique, base more slenderly narrowed, very base cup-like swollen for c. 1.5 mm and smooth, i.e. the rather low longitudinal ridges of the endocarp ending there, 1.7-2(-2.2) by 0.6 cm.