Tree, c. 6 m. Branchlets fulvous-tomentellous at tips. Leaves oblong, apex shortly acuminate or sometimes obtuse, base cuneate, chartaceous, initially sparsely appressedly long-hairy all over especially beneath, at maturity practically glabrous, brownish when dry, with numerous pale tubercles on both faces, 10-15(-18) by 3-5(-7) cm, nerves 7-8(-9) pairs, spreading and rather straight, raised beneath, transverse veins visible, no reticulation; petiole descending on the branchlet as a slight ridge to the next leaf, 1-1.5 cm by 1.5-2 mm. ♂ Inflorescences few-flowered cymes on very short common peduncle, all over densely appressedly fulvous-pubescent, 1-1.5 cm long in all. Calyx widely cup-shaped, base truncate, edge subentire, 2 mm. Petals 4, remaining connate for their lower ⅔ at anthesis, ± densely appressedly hairy outside, 5-5.5 mm. Stamens 4, a little exserted; filaments densely clavate-hairy in the upper half on the ventral, less so on the dorsal side. Rudiment of ovary glabrous. ♀ Inflorescences and drupe unknown.