Treelet or tree, 2.5-7 m. Branchlets rusty-to rufous-tomentellous at the younger parts, as are the petiole and midrib and nerves of mature leaves beneath, older parts glabrate. Leaves oblong to elliptic-oblong, apex gradually or more abruptly acuminate (often slightly falcate) for 1-3 cm, base broadly attenuate to rounded, a little inequilateral, firmly chartaceous, dark brown to blackish brown and somewhat shining above, paler and dull beneath in dry specimens, 15-25 by 4.5-9 cm, nerves 8-10 pairs, rather straight below, more curved and ± obscurely inarching before edge, raised beneath, veins obsolete; petiole 5-8(-10) by 2 mm. ♂ Inflorescences with 2 or 3 scorpioid several-flowered cymes together on top of peduncle (0.5-1 cm), peduncle and branches rusty-tomentellous except the uppermost part of branches (or pedicels) immediately below the calyx which is glabrous and black in dry specimens. Calyx (LÖRZING 6690) cup-shaped, base truncate, sparsely short-hairy in upper half, ciliate, 4-5-dented, 1.3 mm. Petals 4 or 5 connate about halfway to a narrow-cam-panulate tube, glabrous, whitish or greenish, 3.5 mm. Stamens 4 or 5, exserted for c. 1 mm; filaments penicillate both below the anther ventral-ly and dorsally. Rudiment of ovary glabrous. ♀ Inflorescences with 1 or 2 few-flowered cymes on top of a common peduncle (c. 5 mm). Calyx and petals as in ♂ flowers. Staminodes not observed. Ovary glabrous. Submature drupe oblong-ovoid, apex shortly rather abruptly attenuate or sub-rostrate (beak erect), base rounded, 10-15 by 5-6 mm; exocarp glaucous, paler on both ends of drupe; endocarp with very low longitudinal ridges.