Tree c. 10 m. Branchlets fulvous-velutinous. Leaves lanceolate to oblong, apex shortly acutely acuminate, base cuneate, chartaceous, glabrous above, fulvous-or ferrugineous-velutinous all over beneath, dark brown in dry state, 12-17 by (3-)4-6 cm, nerves 6-7(-8) curved pairs, slightly raised beneath; petiole velutinous, 8-13 by 1.5 mm. ♂ Flowers in c. 15-flowered peduncled (5 mm) heads composed of several abbreviate cymes, fulvous-tomentellous, the lower ⅔ of the petals excepted. Calyx cupular, 2.5 mm. Petals 5, forming a campanulate tube which slits irregularly, 4.5-5.5 mm. Stamens 5, hardly exserted; filaments bearded below the anther cells on the inside and dorsally at connective. Rudiment of ovary with erect hairs. ♀ Flowers: Calyx and petals as in ♂ flowers. Filaments bearded distally only. Ovary short-tomentose. Drupe unknown.