Perennial shrub, 0.9-2.0 m high, with fibrous roots and erect, glabrous stems. Leaves with blade linear or narrowly linear-ovate, 9-10 x as long as broad. Flowers: in several, racemosely arranged, nodding, 6-10-flowered umbels; corolla lobes reflexed, glabrous; corona lobes square in side view, with long, backwardly directed, falcate teeth at inner apical angles; white, cream-coloured, light yellow or light greenish; Sep.-Apr. Fruit an ovoid, glabrous follicle, tapering gradually into a beak or shortly acute.
Shrub, 0.9-2.0 m high. Leaves 9-10 times as long as broad, linear or linear-lanceolate. Umbels several, racemosely arranged, 6-10-flowered. Corolla lobes reflexed, glabrous. Corona lobes with long backwardly directed falcate teeth at inner apical angles. Follicles ovoid or lanceolate, tapering into a beak or shortly acute. Flowers white, cream, light yellow or light greenish.
Young shoots subglabrous. Corolla white or cream. Corona cream or green; upper margin generally more angular than in subsp. flavidus. Follicles ovoid, beaked but not generally long-attenuate, densely covered with filiform processes c.0.6 cm long.