Erect annual, Malaysian specimens only 2½-6 cm high, unbranched; stem thin, hard, in higher part densely woolly. Leaves in 2-4 distant pairs, narrowly linear, glabrous, above, thinly patently pilose beneath, ½-¾ cm long. Heads sessile above the topmost pair of leaves, globose, ¾-1 cm diam.; receptacle very densely clothed with longish white hairs; bracts ovate, shortly apiculate, ± 2*/2 mm long, much shorter than the bracteoles; axis of flower densely woolly; bracteoles ovate, acute, ± 3½ mm long. Tepals nearly free, oblong, rather obtuse, 3½-4 mm long, in the lower half with an oblong herbaceous central field; this field on the back densely clothed with long, entangled, in dried specimens brownish hairs. Filaments connate up to near apex; staminal tube not shorter than ovary and style together; free parts of filaments ± 0.5 mm long, broad, slightly narrowed upwards, without intervening pseudo-staminodes. Style minute; stigmas 2, erect, subulate; style and stigmas together ± 0.5 mm long. Fruit?