Tree generally less than 15 m. tall. Leaves about 5-45 cm. long, leaflets 2-3 (-5) pairs, broadly ovate-elliptical to elliptical, the base obtuse to acute, the apex usually acuminate, obtuse, the blade usually densely pubescent along the veins above, villous over the entire under surface, rarely pubescent along the veins only, with scattered pubescence on the blade beneath. Inflorescences shorter than the leaves, cauliflorous, 6-16 cm. long, paniculate, densely pubescent. Flowers light-cream to pinkish-tan, 4-merous; calyx cupulate, split on one side, the lobes rounded, densely pubescent, rarely sparsely pubescent; petals spatulate, densely pubescent, rarely sparsely pubescent without, glabrous within; staminal tube slightly crenulate, sparsely pubescent to glabrous without; anthers 8; ovary densely pubescent, rarely sparsely pubescent or glabrous, borne on a thick, glabrous gynophore. Capsule red to reddish-brown, oblate-sphaeroidal, densely velutinous to glabrous, 4-valved, oc-casionally with 1 seed per locule, frequently only with 1 seed developing per fruit; the largest fruit seen about 2.5 cm. in diam.; seeds apparently entirely covered by a red aril.