Dwarf shrub, seldom > 1.5 m high, with many thorns. Branchlets angular-striate, both in young and mature stage. Leaves alternate or fasciculate, becoming smaller towards apex, stiff, coriaceous, shortly petiolate; lamina obovate, spathulate, 5-15 x 2-11 mm, apex acute, mucronate, base narrowly cuneate, margins spinulose-serrate; reticulate venation distinct below; petioles very short. Inflorescence much shorter than leaves. Flowers creamy white, up to 3 mm long. Male flowers: stamens shorter than petals. Female flowers: staminodes smaller than stamens of male flowers; ovary 3-locular; stigma 3-branched. Fruit a 3-valved capsule, globose, 2-7 mm long, rugose, pale brown with darker reddish brown patches. Seeds partially enveloped by yellow aril with darker reddish brown patches. Seeds partially enveloped by yellow aril.
Shrub or tree, up to 7 m high, armed. Capsule 2-or 3-(4-) locular, usually yellow. Leaves fasciculate or not, margin acutely irregularly serrulate to entire, base cuneate, usually decurrent on petiole. Twigs often strongly angled or striate. Flowers white.