Shrub or tree up to 17 m by 36 cm, fide BW 6738. Branchlets greyish, whitish pubescent and glabrescent. Leaves chartaceous, glabrous, dull beneath and shining above, elliptic-oblong, ovate-oblong, rarely lanceolate, 6-13 by 1.5-4 cm; base cuneate; apex up to 1.5 cm, acuminate; nerves and veins scarcely distinguishable, numerous, parallel, visible beneath, obscure above; petiole c. 3 mm. Inflorescences axillary or terminal, 3-10-flowered, sessile and peduncled, peduncle up to 8 mm. Flowers c. 5 mm pedicelled. Floral tube cupular, 2 mm long. Calyx lobes oblong, 1 mm long. Petaloid appendages transverse-oblong, c. 0.5 mm long. Stamens subsessile, slightly longer than the appendages. Ovary ovoid, densely pilose; style very short; stigma capitate.