Trees or shrubs. Leaves spirally arranged, usually with distinctly parallel veins joining the several intramarginal veins; margin thickened. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, sessile or short-peduncled, in fascicles or a few flowers at the top of a peduncle, with 2 or 3 small caducous bracts. Flowers 5-merous, pedicels articulated at the base. Floral tube cupular to cylindric, puberulous outside, inside puberulous with reflexed hairs arranged in lengthwise lines towards the upper part, sometimes glabrous. Calyx lobes 5, spreading, puberulous on both surfaces. Petaloid appendages 5, distinct, or united in a ring (G. moluccana and G. decipiens), inserted at the throat of the tube, alternating with the calyx lobes, usually densely hairy. Stamens 5, episepalous, free from the tube, inserted at the same level as the petaloid appendages or slightly below, sessile or subsessile, linear, basifixed. Disk shortly cup-shaped or ring-like, scale-like, or none. Ovary ellipsoid or obovoid, pilose, sessile or short-stiped, 2-celled; style terminal, distinct or obscure; stigma small. Fruits a loculicidal capsule, obovoid or ellipsoid, long-stiped and emerging from the top or from the side of the floral tube. Seeds slightly ovoid, plano-convex, usually with a caruncle-like appendage at the chalazal end.