Perennial, holoparasitic herb, up to 1 m high; stems, bracts and calyces glabrous. Stems erect. Leaves scale-like. Flowers: inflorescence racemose; calyx cylindrical, strongly 10-nerved; corolla with tube ± 70 mm long, tube and limb creamy white, throat ± 70 mm wide, pale lemon-yellow; Nov.-Mar.
Erect herb, up to 250 mm tall. Leaves scale-like. Spike short, terminal, 4-8-flowered. Corolla up to 60 mm long, far exserted from calyx, lobes broadly orbicular, spreading, up to 7 mm in diameter, limb up to 30 mm in diameter. Flowers yellow changing to white.
Erect, parasitic herb, up to 1 m high. Corolla tube long, narrow (3-6 mm in diameter). Only 1 of each pair of anther thecae developed. Flowers white with yellow throat or cream.