Plants acaulescent, with leaves in a basal rosette which is about 8 cm diam., proliferous from the leaf axils. Leaver about 35 (or more), the young erect, incurved, the old ascending, spreading, little incurved, about 22 mm long, 8 mm broad, up to 4 mm thick, ovate-lanceolate, green; (in the young the leaves are light brown from the middle to the base) upper surface slightly convex, smooth, not pellucid, with a few oblong pellucid spots near the apex; lower surface convex, smooth, not pellucid, with numerous large and small pellucid markings from the middle to the apex of the leaves, with a pellucid border flanking the margins; keel 1, in the upper third, centrally positioned, with about 2 mm long subulate pellucid teeth; margins acute, with a single row of 3 mm long mostly deflexed translucent deltoid-cuspidate teeth, becoming shorter towards the base; end-awn 4 mm long, toothed, persistent. Inflorescence about 36 cm tall; peduncle simple, terete, about 1.5 mm diam., 24 cm long, bracteate; sterile bracts membranous, ovate, abruptly long acuminate, about 8 mm long, erect, keeled; raceme about 12 cm long, with about 20 spirally arranged flowers and buds, 10-12 open simultaneously; floral bracts membranous, 4 mm long, deltoid, keeled with fine reddish veins, clasping the pedicels, (longer than the pedicels); pedicels 3 mm long, 1 mm diam., green, erect; perianth white with green keels to the segments, 14 mm long, compressed at base, funnel-shaped, curved, tube more or less 4 mm across, constricted to 3 mm above; segments free to the base, limb 2 lipped; posterior segments not spreading, little recurved, pinkish-white, with fine green veins; exterior part strongly recurved, spreading, pinkish-white, with broad green veins, replicate; stamens 6 of two lengths 8 and 9 mm long, inserted within the perianth tube; ovary 4 mm long, 2 mm diam., green; style 1 mm long, white, capitate.
Plant stemless, proliferous from the base, 4-5 cm in diam., pale glaucous green in color. Leaves multifarious, somewhat ovate oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, younger leaves erect, the older erect-spreading, incurved towards the apex, 2-3 cm long and 7-9 mm broad; face of leaf in lower part flat becoming somewhat turgid above, with 3-4(5) obscure brownish lengthwise lines confluent at apex, somewhat anastomosing and pellucidly spotted in the upper half, smooth or sometimes towards the apex with a few, small white teeth; back of leaf convex, keeled in the upper half, smooth, but towards one margin a lengthwise line of small white teeth, with similar but more numerous lengthwise lines and similar pellucid spots, somewhat round or somewhat oblong or lengthwise confluent and very numerous except towards the base; the margins and keel with somewhat stiff white teeth about 1-2 mm long; the apex terminating in a small white bristle 1-2 mm long which is minutely toothed near the base. Peduncle simple, slender, 20 cm or more tall including the raceme, with numerous sterile bracts; flowers laxly racemose, at first yellowish later becoming more rose colored, erect; pedicels 4-5 mm long, bracts 5-6 mm long, broadly deltoid, acuminate with brownish keels; perianth about 15 mm long, tube obclavate, subtrigonous, somewhat curved, green lined, the segments more or less equal, spreading, revolute, almost regularly stellate, the three upper segments broader and excepting the middle one more revolute, all at the apex somewhat aconitum shaped.