Plants acaulescent, with leaves distichously arranged. Leaves 7 to 9 in two exactly opposite rows, abruptly truncate at the tips, 2.5-3.5 cm long, 1.5-3 cm broad, 5-7 mm thick, slightly incurved, faces of the tips pellucid, somewhat oblong, constricted in the middle, rough with tubercles; upper surface convex towards the apex, channelled lengthwise and rough with minute tubercles, lower sheathing part concave, smooth; margins fimbriately toothed; lower surface smooth in the lower part, convex, lightly channelled lengthwise in the middle, rough in the upper third with minute tubercles. Inflorescence about 23 cm tall; peduncle about 17 cm long, bracteate, simple, terete, about 1 mm diam., sterile bracts membranous, ovate acuminate, about 5 mm long, erect, keeled, cloaking the peduncle at the base; raceme about 7 cm long, with about 6 to 7 spirally arranged flowers and buds, 1 or 2 open simultaneously; floral bracts membranous, 5 mm long, deltoid acute, keeled with fine reddish veins, clasping the pedicels, (longer than the pedicels); pedicels 2-3 mm long, 1 mm diam., green, erect; perianth white with green keels to the segments, about 13 mm long, compressed at base, funnel-shaped, tube more or less 4 mm across, constricted to 3 mm above, curved; segments free to the base, limb 2 lipped; posterior segments with lobes free, recurved, spreading, white with brownish-green veins; exterior part more recurved, spreading, white with brownish-green veins; stamens 6 of two lengths, 7 and 8 mm long, inserted within the perianth tube; ovary 5 mm long, 2 mm diam., green; style 1 mm long, straight, capitate.
Acaulescent succulent. Leaves distichous or multifarious, withdrawn to ground-level, grey-green, truncate, windowed, spineless, rarely piliferous. Flowers white.