Trees or treelets, 8-18 m tall, often much branched apically, glabrous. Leaves often fascicled at apex of branch; stipules 1.5-8.5 cm; petioles 5-9 cm, reddish, with a pair of abaxial-lateral glands; leaf blade rhomboid-ovate or triangular-ovate, 4-23 × 3.5-24 cm, papery to leathery, adaxially green, abaxially glaucescent, with 0-17 laminar glands below, base obtuse or attenuate to shallowly retuse, peltate or not, apex shortly acuminate; midvein elevated abaxially, lateral veins 7-15 pairs, reticulate veins prominent. Inflorescences 12-20 cm, bisexual, female in lower part, male in upper part. Male flowers usually 3 per bract; bracts each with one pair of basal glands; glands orbicular, ca. 1.2 mm in diam.; pedicels 1.5-4 mm; calyx 2-lobed, free, lobes reniform, apex rounded; stamens 9; filaments shorter. Female flowers: pedicels 4-5 mm (elongating to 13 mm in fruits); glands orbicular; calyx 2-lobed, lobes ovate, ca. 1 mm in diam.; ovary elliptic, with 2 locules; styles 2, free; stigmas ca. 2 mm, recurved, undivided to rarely divided, with small apical glands. Capsules obovoid to subglobose, 4-6 × 6-8 mm, papillate, keeled. Seeds 3-5 × 3-4 mm, upper half or more covered by arillode.
An evergreen tree. The leaves are alternate and rounded. They are grey green. The leaf stalks are 6-12 cm long. The flowers are in long groups in the axils of leaves. They are yellow. The fruit is a grey-green capsule with 3 lobes.