Small to large spreading tree; branchlets grey to brown, glabrous. Leaves ovate-elliptic to broadly subovate-oblong, shortly and abruptly obtusely acuminate, ± rounded at the base, subcoriaceous to coriaceous, glabrous, entire, shining on both sides, (7-) 10-15 by (4-)5-7(-8) cm; nerves 8-9 pairs, elevated on both sides, veins rather densely reticulate and prominent on both faces; petiole stout, 1-1.5 cm. Panicles suberect, 5-8 cm, usually 3-branched from the base, the central and longest spike occasionally short-rebranched; rhachis stout, sulphur-or creamy-woolly. Flowers 6-merous, light-green, crowded. Bracts broadly ovate, rounded at the apex, 2.5-3 mm diam., caducous. Calyx-tube turbinate, 3-4 mm, villous. Sepals lanceolate, subacute, accrescent, finally 7-8 by 2 mm, rather densely pilose. Petals similar to the sepals, but only half their length. Stamens 5-6 before each petal, viz 1 between the disk-glands, 4-5 inserted on the basal part of the petals; filaments filiform, glabrous, 2-3 mm. Disk-glands villous, nearly round. Ovary tomentose. Styles 5.