Trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate (in Mal. spp.), penninerved, either with minute, caducous stipules (Mai. spp.) or exstipulate, entire or crenate-serrate (teeth obtuse, glandular beneath). Flowers bisexual, in axillary racemes (these often spike-like and solitary) or panicles, many-flowered. Flowers solitary or fascicled along the rhachis, sessile or pedicelled, subtended by a small, caducous or ± persistent bract. Calyx-tube obconical, connate with the ovary; calyx-lobes (sepals) (4-)5-8 (-12), flat, linear or obovate-spathulate, sometimes accrescent, wing-like. Petals inserted in the throat of the calyx, similar to the sepals and alternating with them, isomerous, whether or not accrescent, persistent. Stamens epipetalous, solitary or in fascicles of 2-8(-12), between the disk-lobes or rarely partly inserted on the base of the petals, very rarely irregularly inserted in the confluent disk-lobes; filaments filiform; anthers small, extrorse, dorsifixed. Disk represented by a (mostly tomentose) gland opposite each sepal. Ovary connate with the calyx in the inferior half, unilocular, with 2-6(-8) placentas, each with (1-)3-7 ovules near the apex. Styles 2-5(-7), free or shortly connate at the base; stigmas small or punctate. Capsule almost inferior, ± coriaceous, 2-8-valved from the apex, or indehiscent. Seeds 1 or few, minute.
Trees or shrubs. Leaves usually alternate, petiolate, the stipules minute and caducous, rarely absent, the blade entire to usually serrate-crenate, the teeth glandular beneath, penninerved, without pellucid glands. Inflorescences axillary, racemose or paniculate. Flowers , sessile or pedicellate, the pedicels articulated, the bracts usually minute, caducous or + persistent; calyx tube (or receptacle?) turbinate, adnate to the base of the ovary; calyx lobes 5-8(-12), usually narrow, persistent or accrescent; petals isomerous with the calyx lobes, inserted in the throat of the calyx, alternating with the calyx lobes, persistent or accrescent; stamens epipetalous, isomerous with the petals or in fascicles of 2-8(or more), the filaments filiform, the anthers small, extrorse, dorsifixed, longitudinally dehiscent; disk represented by a gland opposite each sepal and alternating with the filaments or fascicles of filaments; ovary with the lower half adnate to the calyx tube (or half inferior?), 1-locular, the placentas parietal, 2-6(-8), each with (1-)2-7 ovules near the apex, the styles isomerous with the placentas, the stigmas simple or capitellate. Fruits capsular, half inferior, ? coriaceous, indehiscent or incompletely 2-8-valvate from the apex; seeds few or solitary, small, angulate, the testa crustace-ous; endosperm copious.
Trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate, simple, entire or glandular-serrate-crenate, penninerved, petiolate; stipules absent, or minute to large, sometimes auriculate, caducous or ± persistent. Flowers bisexual, regular, (4–)5–8(–12)-merous, in axillary or subterminal racemes or panicles, solitary or fasciculate on the inflorescence-branches, sessile or pedicelled, subtended by small caducous or persistent bracts. Calyx-tube (or receptacle) adnate to the ovary. Sepals flat, usually narrow, persistent, often accrescent and wing-like. Petals alternating with the sepals, persistent, sometimes accrescent. Stamens epipetalous, solitary or in fascicles of 2–3; filaments slender; anthers small, extrorse, dorsifixed. Disk represented by a usually hairy gland opposite each sepal. Ovary conical and free in its upper half, sunk in the receptacle in its lower half, 1-locular, with 2–3(–8) placentas, each with 1-several ovules near the apex; styles 2–4(–7), free or connate to a distinct column below (then only stigmatic arms free); stigmas punctiform. Capsule half-inferior, coriaceous or woody, finally 2–3(–8)-valved from the apex, or remaining indehiscent (apparently mainly in sterile flowers). Seeds 1–few, small, often not fully formed.
Trees or shrubs. Leaves spirally arranged or distichous, serrate or crenate, rarely entire; stipules small. Flowers bisexual, scattered or fascicled in axillary spikes, racemes or panicles, subtended by a bract and bracteoles. Sepals 4–12. Petals similar to sepals, all enlarged and persistent in fruit. Stamens single or in fascicles opposite each petal, sometimes epipetalous; filaments filiform; anthers extrorse, dorsifixed. Disc lobes glandular, opposite each sepal. Ovary half-inferior; placentas 2–8, each with 1–7 ovules near apex; styles 2–7, free or shortly connate at base; stigmas simple or capitellate. Fruit a 2–8–valved capsule, or indehiscent. Seeds 1 or few, minute.
Leaves alternate (in African spp.), petiolate; lamina entire or crenate-serrate with a gland near the apex of each tooth on the underside; stipules absent, minute or large and orbicular, caducous or persistent.
Flowers bisexual in axillary or terminal racemes or paniculate racemes, solitary or fasciculate on the inflorescence-branches, sessile or pedicelled, subtended by small caducous or persistent bracts.
Ovary with its lower half sunk in the receptacle, 1-locular with 2–3 (8) placentas each with (1) 2–3 (7) ovules near the apex; styles 2–4 (7), free or variously connate; stigmas small.
Stamens epipetalous, solitary or in fascicles of 2–3 (or up to 12 outside our area); filaments slender; anthers small, extrorse, dorsifixed.
Receptacle (or calyx tube?) adnate to the ovary; sepals (4) 5–8 (12), usually narrow, sometimes accrescent.
Capsule half inferior, woody or coriaceous, 2–3 (8) valved from the apex or indehiscent.
Petals alternating with the sepals, persistent, sometimes accrescent.
Disk represented by a usually tomentose gland opposite each sepal.
Seeds solitary or few.
Trees or shrubs.