Androecium inserted on the hypanthium, comprising a complex structure of 3–4(5) fused anthers in the form of a large undulating ring with very numerous horizontally elongate pollen sacs; undulations opposite the perianth lobes.
Flowers arising directly from the plant body and remaining partially below ground level, hermaphrodite, actinomorphic, solitary, 3–4(5)-merous.
Perianth fleshy-coriaceous, valvately 3–4(5)-lobed; the lobes equalling or exceeding the perianth tube in length.
Fruit a subterranean fleshy berry with a woody pericarp; seeds numerous in a flesh-coloured pulp, minute.
Ovary inferior, unilocular, with numerous infolded, pendant accrescent placentas; ovules numerous.
Plant-body a large, verrucose, firmly-fleshy “rhizome” with widely spreading branches.
Stigma sessile, cushion-shaped, 3–5-lobed.
Subterranean root parasites.
Leaves absent.