Hygrophila R.Br.


Angiosperms > Lamiales > Acanthaceae


Diffuse to erect perennials, often aquatic or hygrophilous herbs. Stems quadrangular and articulated, decumbent and rooting at nodes. Leaves opposite, sessile to petiolate; blades usually narrow, cystoliths present. Inflorescences of dichasia in leaf axils, often appearing as verticels, dichasia of 1-many sessile or subsessile flowers; bracts and bracteoles linear, usually much shorter than calyx. Flowers weakly bilipped, homostylous; calyx 5-lobed, lobes subequal, linear, mature calyx tube often rupturing in weak hyaline regions between lobes; corolla tube cylindrical, upper half funnel-shaped, slightly curved limb ± personate, upper lip 2-dentate to 2-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed, corolla lobes contorted in bud; stamens 4, didynamous, or 2 fertile stamens and 2 staminodes, filaments of each pair usually basally connate by a membrane, anthers 2-thecous, thecae equal in length, parallel to sagittate, equally inserted, basally muticous or mucronulate; ovary with several ovules in each locule, style ending in filiform stigmatic lobes, posterior stigma lobe abortive. Capsules estipitate, linear-ellipsoid, retinacula present, short and obtuse, septae with retinacula remaining attached to inner wall of mature capsule; seeds 4-18, lenticular, unequal at base, covered with hygroscopic trichomes.
Herbs, annual or perennial, often aquatic or hygrophilous, sometimes with axillary spines, cystoliths present. Leaves sessile or shortly petiolate; leaf blade margin entire, crenulate, or sometimes undulate. Flowers sessile, in terminal spikes or several in axillary clusters; bracteoles present or absent. Calyx 5-lobed. Corolla ventricose; limb 2-lipped, lower lip 3-lobed, upper lip apex shallowly dentate; lobes contorted in bud. Stamens 2 or 4, didynamous (posterior pair similar to anterior pair or smaller); anthers 2-thecous; thecae equally inserted; staminodes 0 or 2. Ovary with 4 to many ovules per locule; stigma entire or 2-dentate. Capsule linear-ellipsoid to narrowly oblong, many seeded; retinacula present. Seeds discoid, covered with long mucilaginous trichomes.
Herbs. Inflorescences in axillary fascicles; bracts linear. Flowers with the calyx 5-merous, the segments subequal; corolla tube cylindric, small, the limb 2-tipped; stamens 4 and didynamous, or 1 perfect stamen and a staminode in 2
pairs, the filaments of each pair united at the base, the anthers 2-celled, some mucronulate; posterior stigma lobe abortive; capsule oblong, nonstipitate; seeds 4-18 or more.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) 0.1 - 0.5
Mature height (meter) 0.1 - 0.5
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light 7-9
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity 2-8
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by seedlings.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Hygrophila world distribution map, present in Australia, China, Panama, and United States of America


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:799193-1
WFO ID wfo-4000018591
INPN ID 445367
Wikipedia (EN)
Wikipedia (FR)


Hemiadelphis Nomaphila Antirrhinum molle Cardanthera Eberlea Synnema Hygrophila

Lower taxons

Hygrophila albobracteata Hygrophila richardsiae Hygrophila abyssinica Hygrophila africana Hygrophila barbata Hygrophila bengalensis Hygrophila borellii Hygrophila brevituba Hygrophila caerulea Hygrophila cataractae Hygrophila chevalieri Hygrophila ciliata Hygrophila ciliibractea Hygrophila difformis Hygrophila erecta Hygrophila glandulifera Hygrophila griffithii Hygrophila hippuroides Hygrophila humistrata Hygrophila incana Hygrophila intermedia Hygrophila laevis Hygrophila limnophiloides Hygrophila linearis Hygrophila meianthos Hygrophila micrantha Hygrophila polysperma Hygrophila pusilla Hygrophila uliginosa Hygrophila anomala Hygrophila madurensis Hygrophila urquiolae Hygrophila asteracanthoides Hygrophila balsamica Hygrophila costata Hygrophila odora Hygrophila origanoides Hygrophila paraibana Hygrophila pinnatifida Hygrophila pobeguinii Hygrophila senegalensis Hygrophila serpyllum Hygrophila spiciformis Hygrophila stocksii Hygrophila subsessilis Hygrophila surinamensis Hygrophila thwaitesii Hygrophila triflora Hygrophila avana Hygrophila biplicata Hygrophila ringens Hygrophila stricta Hygrophila oblongifolia Hygrophila tyttha Hygrophila phlomoides Hygrophila anisocalyx Hygrophila radicans Hygrophila modesta Hygrophila velata Hygrophila baronii Hygrophila perrieri Hygrophila pogonocalyx Hygrophila corymbosa Hygrophila didynama Hygrophila thymus Hygrophila hirsuta Hygrophila mutica Hygrophila sandwithii Hygrophila gossweileri Hygrophila gracillima Hygrophila episcopalis Hygrophila heinei Hygrophila megalantha Hygrophila acinos Hygrophila parishii Hygrophila petiolata Hygrophila mediatrix Hygrophila niokoloensis Hygrophila palmensis Hygrophila okavangensis Hygrophila pilosa Hygrophila auriculata