A parasitical herb, fleshy; leaves not seen; flowers subspicate, densely subcorymbose; pedicels 1/8 in. long or less; bracts narrowly oblong, obtuse, concave, fleshy, sparingly pilose, 1/2-2/3 in. long, 1/6 in. broad bracteoles linear, obtuse, very slightly dilated at the apex, sparingly pilose, 2/3-3/4 in. long, 1/8 in. broad; calyx sparingly pilose, 5-lobed, whitish ? (N. F. Brown), 1-1 1/6 in. long; lobes linear, subobtuse, 1/16-1/12 in. broad, back one free, the rest connate to the height 1/4-1/3 in.; corolla tubular, subclavate-cylindrical, curved, 2 1/4-2 1/2 in. long, 1/8 in. in diam. below, 1/4 in. in diam. above, subgaleate and obtuse at the apex, pilose and red above; mouth oblique, small 1/3-5/12 in. long; tube quite glabrous within; stamens glabrous, about equalling the corolla; ovary ovoid, glabrous; style curved at the apex, glabrous, about equalling the stamens; stigma rather thick, subclavate, compressed.
Root parasite with scale-like leaves, up to 150 mm tall. Flowers in an orange-red, ± lax, corymbose inflorescence, bracteoles linear, shortly dilated at tip, sparsely pubescent, corolla hairy above, ± helmeted, as long as stamens.