Slender tree, shrub or bushy suffrutex 0.8-3(5) m tall. Stems ribbed, sparsely to densely pubescent, shortly tomentose or hispidulous, often with longer subsimple hairs, indumentum brown, ferrugineous or greyish, becoming glabrous, reddish-brown, longitudinally striate, fissured, lenticellate. Stipules 3-5(7) mm long, subulate-setaceous, often falcate. Leaves pinnately (11)13-19-foliolate; leaf axis 4-9 cm long, including petiole of 2.5-8(9) mm, extended 1-8 mm beyond lateral leaflets; stipels 0.5-1 mm long, subulate; terminal leaflet 12-22(31) x 5-11(15) mm, elliptic, obovate to oblanceolate, apex rounded to obtuse, laterals somewhat narrower, oblong to ovate-elliptic; leaflets sparsely to densely strigillose or silky-pubescent on both surfaces, lower surface also with large and small biramous hairs together, indumentum often denser sometimes becoming shortly tomentose beneath, hairs equally or unequally biramous, appressed or spreading, diverging at 40-50° to midrib. Raceme 5.5-18(23) cm long, including peduncle of 11-27(30) mm, densely 50-160-flowered; bracts 1-2 mm long, subulate, appressed brown strigillose; pedicels 1-2 mm long. Calyx 1-1.8 mm long, densely strigillose with closely appressed to spreading, whitish, ferrugineous or dark-brown hairs; lobes narrowly triangular to lanceolate-subulate, shorter than or equal to tube. Corolla c. 5 mm long, deep red, standard persistent after other petals falling early, sometimes until pod maturity, very densely strigose with closely appressed ferrugineous and dark brown hairs on back, keel apex acute. Stamens 3-4 mm long. Style 1-1.5 mm long, emerging ± erect with swollen style-base from upturned apex of ovary. Pod 22-35 x 2-3 mm, subcylindrical, densely dark brown strigillose to hispidulous, spreading to reflexed; endocarp densely spotted with tannin deposits. Seeds 5-0.1.5-2.8 x 1.5-2.4 mm, oblong or globose, brown.