Tree, the branchlets densely dark rubiginous-tomentose. Leaves large, 12-foliolate; petiole about 2.5 cm. long, terete, tomentose like the branchlets; rachis about 16 cm. long, unwinged, pubescent like the petiole, bearing above at insertion of the petiolules a large, sessile, oval, concave gland; leaflets 6 pairs, mostly elliptic-lanceolate, the terminal ones about 13 cm. long and 4 cm. wide, the basal pair somewhat smaller, rounded or obtuse basally, acute and somewhat acuminate apically, rather coarsely short-pubescent above except tomentose on the costa, tomentose below, the veins elevated below and slightly impressed above, reticulate; stipules not known. Inflorescence of axillary pedunculate spikes; peduncle 4-5 cm. long, tomentose like the branchlets; floriferous portion thick, about 4 cm. long, the bracts caducous. Flowers sessile; calyx tubular, 6-7 mm. long, rubiginous-pubescent; corolla not known. Legume (immature) slender, terete by thickening of the margins, longitudinally sulcate, ferruginous-tomentose, twisted.
A tree. The fruit is a long pod.