Unarmed trees or shrubs, the branchlets usually pubescent when young and noticeably lenticellate. Leaves of moderate size to very large, 2-ranked, simply compound, the leaflets 2-many pairs; petiole usually short, only rarely alate; rachis short or elongate, unwinged or alate, almost invariably bearing subcupuliform, sessile or less frequently stipitate glands between insertion of the petiolules; leaflets entire, rather small to very large, frequently pubescent, the veins normally promi-nent below; stipules mostly caducous; petiolules short. Inflorescence of 1 to few pedunculate spikes from the axils, or paniculate by insertion of spikes from terminal or subterminal defoliate nodes; peduncular portion of spikes elongate to almost ob-solete, the floriferous portion elongate and lax to condensed and clavate, capitate or umbellate; pedicels prominent in only a few species; bracts usually inconspicuous, caducous or subpersistent. Flowers white or whitish, regular, perfect, typically Mimosaceous; calyx cupular or tubular, very small to quite large, frequently pubescent, 5-toothed; corolla sympetalous, tubular or funnelform, short and small to very elongate, usually pilose without, 5-lobed; stamens many, exceeding the corolla, the filaments united below into a staminal tube; ovary glabrous or pubes-cent; style elongate, usually equalling or slightly exceeding the stamens, sometimes capitellate. Legume from short and flat to elongate and subterete, glabrous or pubescent, the margins frequently prominent.