Small tree, the branchlets ferruginous-tomentose-hirsute. Leaves moderate, mostly 6-or 8-foliolate; petiole short, up to 1.5 cm. long, heavily pubescent like the branchlets, unwinged; rachis up to 8 cm. long, ferruginous-pubescent, alate (the wings, margin to margin, 4-10 mm. broad), bearing a small, sessile, cupuli-form gland between insertion of the petiolules; leaflets mostly 3 or 4 pairs, elliptic or nearly so, the terminal pair up to 13 cm. long and 5 cm. wide, the basal pair up to 5 cm. long and 2 cm. wide, acute and often somewhat acuminate apically, sub-cuneate to rounded basally, appressed-pubescent above, villous-tomentose below especially on the prominent veins; stipules ovate, about 4 mm. long, pubescent, early caducous. Inflorescence 1-2 axillary or terminal pedunculate spikes, the peduncular portion up to 3 cm. long and ferruginous-pubescent, the floriferous portion about as long or slightly longer; bracts very small, short and broad, caducous. Flowers several, white; calyx broadly tubular, 8-10 mm. long, tomentu-lose, striate; corolla tubular, about 15 mm. long, pilose; stamens almost 4.5 cm. long, the staminal tube included; stigma capitellate. Legume (young) densely ferruginous hirsute-tomentose, terete, becoming sulcate? or possibly flattened? in age.