Origin: in Davis, Calif., by E.F. Serr and H.I. Forde, California Agr. Expt. Sta. Introd. in 1968. Payne × P.I. 159568; cross made in 1958; selected in 1963; tested as UC 59-129. Nut: large, Payne type; shell thin, seal fair to good, cracking quality good; kernel 59% of nut, quality good; 96% of those tested had light-colored kernels; highly resistant to sunburn; matures early to midseason. Tree: very vigorous when young and grows rapidly; leafs out 5 days after Payne; 50% of lateral buds producing pistillate flowers; well adapted to hotter parts of San Joaquin and Sacramento Valley, wherever late spring frosts are not a hazard. Susceptible to pistillate flower abscission. Named at the request of the Diamond Walnut Growers, in recognition of E.F. Serr's contribution on the walnut breeding program. Fruit: