Origin: in Davis, Calif., by E.F. Serr and H.I. Forde, California Agr. Expt. Sta. Introd. in 1968. Waterloo × Payne. Cross made in 1957; selected in 1963; tested as UC 58-11. Nut: Payne type; shell seal good, suitable for in-shell and cracking; kernel 53% of nut; 70% of those tested had lightcolored kernels; matures in midseason. Tree: very productive; consistent pruning is needed to prevent overbearing in young trees; leafs out 18 days after Payne; pollenizer seems desirable to help set heavy crops, especially on young trees; 80% of lateral buds producing pistillate flowers; suitable for upper Sacramento Valley and other districts with similar frost and blight hazards. The name was suggested because of apparent suitability of this selection for the walnut districts of Tehama County. Fruit: