Perennials up to 0.3 m tall. Rhizome horizontal, compressed; roots woody, covered by a thick layer of root-hairs. Shoots close together, fibrous at base. Leaves basal, 1-3 per shoot, filiform, erect, ribbed, longer than inflorescence, expanded below into tight auriculate sheaths; cataphylls present. Inflorescence pseudo-lateral, few-flowered, lowest bract long, forming continuation of stem; floral bracts and bracteoles small; flowers 2-10, solitary, secund, clustered. Tepals ovate, acute, c. 2-3 mm long, subequal. Stamens 6, very short; anthers about as long as filaments. Ovary ovoid, obtuse. Capsule ovoid, 3 mm long, obtuse to acute, enclosed in perianth; parietal placentas forming a smooth swollen ridge; funicles short; seeds ellipsoid, 0.5 mm long, brown, apex and base white-apiculate, connected by a white ridge.
Tufted perennial to 30 cm. Leaves filiform, ribbed. Flowers in pseudolateral spikes, green.